I used to hate Ram because of the last part, until I came across legit arguments against authenticity of Uttar Kand. TV serial makers also didn't bother to research about further. (The live spans were really long in Treta Yuga). Ram ruled Ayodhya with Sita by his side for 10,000 of years. Yes, Lav-Kush were their children, but they never lived in forest. The returning back to earth thing never happened. The kicking out thing is not true, the whole uttar kand is full of lies and distortions added much later which can be easily refuted because it contradicts the older chapters of original Ramayan.

Desperate situations require desperate measures. That king(Bali)you're talking about threw his brother out for a small misunderstanding and kept the same brother's wife as a concubine. Flirting? That woman(Surpanakha) was going to kill Sita because both men rejected her, and her weapon was ready.